Author: Jack Green

Why Socialism is Immoral

Why Socialism is Immoral Socialism is a political system where the state manages and controls the economy. The government regulates and controls what is produced, how it is created and what happens after a product is produced. Many countries in the world are slowly moving toward full blown socialism. We see this in the rise of Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn. Socialism, however, is a deeply immoral system which relies on the premise that you can take things away from people because you want it. Socialists often have a mentality of “I’m alive. Therefore the state and the rich...

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Why I Hate Debating Leftists

Why I Hate Debating Leftists   I took the featured photo for this article while on my way to watch a movie with my friends in London. The group featured were using the Grenfell tragedy to promote their ideology and I decided to take some photos to write about at a later point. While around the protest I got into some discussions and debates with people there. Some were interesting and somewhat productive, others, on the other hand, were the most annoying debates of my life. It was like talking to a brick wall, an angry brick wall that...

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Republican Budget: Good or Bad?

*Please note the writer of this piece is a right leaning Libertarian, to gain a clear view consider reading opposing views on other sites Republican Budget: Good or Bad?   The new Republican budget was announced this morning and from the surface doesn’t seem that bad – at least from a Libertarian perspective. The government is reducing unnecessary spending, albeit slowly. The slow pace of the spending cuts is important in order to allow citizens to slowly wean off the government teat and get used to life without large amounts of subsidies. It also allows for more charities to be set...

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Why Tax is Theft

Why Tax is Theft   Consent: the thing that stops sex becoming rape and stops borrowing from becoming robbery. Capitalism at its most fundamental and undeniable foundations is based on consent. The consent between a producer and a consumer to participate in any voluntary transaction. If you are held at gunpoint and told “give me your money or else” the smart move is to give them your money and then phone the police. The police should then do their best to track down the robber and put him in prison in order to keep others safe. But what if...

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Donald Trump Jr.: What we Know so far

Donald Trump Jr.: What We Know So Far and What It Means.   Unless you’re living under a rock you’ve heard all about the latest scandal to hit the Trump administration. But just in case I’ll summarise it for you: Donald Trump Jr. released emails himself and a man named Rob Goldstone. These emails detailed the scheduling of a meeting with a lady who is in some way involved with the Russian government. But what does it actually mean for Trump? The most important question is did Donald Trump Jr. break the law. The simple answer: no. The emails that have...

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